Formations à distance

Our Distance Learning Solutions

Whether in-house or public, most of our face-to-face courses can be followed remotely

Adapted to new business challenges, these solutions help support sustainable and effective skills development.

The sequencing of our modular courses allows the pace of training to be adapted to the learner's schedule.

Virtual Classroom: synchronous online training led by an IFP Training lecturer. This solution replicates the classroom environment, during the course, learners can interact, communicate orally or via chat, share files and work in sub-groups.

Main advantages of Virtual Classroom training:

• To be formed by IFP Training lecturers, which are recognized industry experts
• Maintain rapid assimilation of operational skills
• Accessible from any device (computer, tablet or phone)
• The flexibility to study from any place in the world
• Possibility to exchange and share between participants
• Interact with expert trainers and benefit from their experience
• Access to our LMS platform

Blended-Learning: Some of our courses are available in a blended-learning mode, involving distant modules followed by face-to-face sessions in our centers or on your premises.

Hybrid Sessions: For more flexibility, any of our scheduled public courses can be remotely followed in synchronous hybrid mode (same duration, same program). Wherever you are, you can access your session remotely without having to travel. When registering, inform our secretarial department of your wish to follow your training remotely.

E-Learning: courses are delivered on our LMS platform accessible 24/7 from any device.

Training simulators accessible 24/7, worldwide. CORYS and IFP Training provide unique solutions combining classroom courses with training on dynamic simulators.



Explore & Produce

28  courses


Transform & Valorize

13  courses