Legal notice

Company identity: IFP Training, a French public limited company with share capital of €2,688,000 - listed on the NANTERRE register of companies under number 449 340 116.

Head office: 232 Avenue Napoléon Bonaparte, 92500 Rueil Malmaison, France

Tel: +33 (0)1 41 39 12 12

Managing editors: Rémi Mouchel, Director of Operations & President of the Board; Benoît Mourez, Secretary General and Loïc du Rusquec, Commercial & Marketing Director.

General terms and conditions for using the website is the website of IFP Training, a French public limited company with share capital of €2,688,000 - listed on the NANTERRE register of companies under number 449 340 116, and headquartered at 232 Avenue Napoléon Bonaparte, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison, France.

The IFP Training website is hosted by OVH - Head Office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix – France.

The purpose of this website is to provide general information about IFP Training, its products and its services.

The general structure of this website, together with all software, wording, images (animated or otherwise), technology, expertise and all of its other elements are the exclusive property of IFP Training or its mother and sister companies or subsidiaries, or they belong to third parties which have granted IFP Training limited authorisation to use them.

Any reproduction or representation (either in full or in part) of this site, using any process, without the express authorisation of IFP Training is prohibited and will be considered an infringement punishable by the penalties provided for by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

The brands belonging to IFP Training, its mother and sister companies and its affiliate, together with the logos appearing on the site are registered trademarks. As such, they constitute the property of IFP Training and its mother and sister companies and its affiliates and/or the property of their partners. Any reproduction (either in full or in part) of these brands or logos without IFP Training’s express authorisation is therefore prohibited under the terms and conditions of articles L. 713-2 and L. 713-3 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

IFP Training will not be held liable for any inaccuracies on this website or for any incomplete information it may contain. Furthermore, IFP Training reserves the right to make changes to the content of this website without prior warning, without it incurring any liability.

IFP Training will not be held liable for any inaccuracies on this website, for any incomplete information it may contain or for this information and other elements on it not meeting your personal or professional requirements.

IFP Training gives no guarantees in relation to the high-performance and uninterrupted operation of this website.

Furthermore, under no circumstances may IFP Training be held liable for any direct or indirect, tangible or intangible damages of any kind which may result from using any of the information – even only in part – contained on this website.

Furthermore, under no circumstances may IFP Training be held liable for any direct or indirect, tangible or intangible damages of any kind which may result from downloads, or the contents of documents or programmes available on the site for download or from using – even only in part – information contained in documents or programmes downloaded from this website.

IFP Training hereby reminds you that you are advised to back up your data on a regular basis (daily, if possible), and that it is your responsibility to keep your computer installation in good working order, as well as your Internet connection.

Furthermore, IFP Training has no control over the contents of third-party sites to which its hyper links point. As such, it may not in any way be held liable in relation to these contents.

Neither IFP Training nor any other party involved in the production, supply, design or maintenance of all or part of this Internet presentation or any page may be held liable in any way for any direct or indirect damage, or for any damage with or without fault which may be suffered as a result of accessing, using, or being unable to use IFP Training's Internet presentation or any of the presentations to which it is linked.

IT and data protection

During the course of your browsing, you may be required to share personal data about yourself, such as your last name, first name, email address and telephone number. This information will be used in order to provide you with information about our company, our products and our services. Answers to questions which are not preceded by an asterisk are optional and have no bearing on the way in which your request is handled. In all other cases, failure to answer questions may make it difficult for us to handle your request.

Personal data collected by IFP Training is processed in compliance with applicable legislation on the protection of personal data, and in particular in compliance with the regulations laid out in EU regulation 2016/679 ("General Data Protection Regulation" or “GDPR”).

Data collected is mainly used by IFP Training and its partners to enable IFP Training to provide you with information about the company, our products and our services, as well as in order to conduct studies. It may also be used by IFP Training and its partners to provide you with offers and services, and may therefore be shared for these purposes. Data may be stored abroad or accessed from abroad.

Data retention period: IFP Training does not intend to retain any of the personal data that it collects for any longer than is required for the purposes for which it is collected.

In compliance with legislation applicable to protecting personal data, you are entitled to access, correct and delete any data held about you. You may exercise this right by emailing us at or by writing to IFP Training Service Marketing 232 avenue Napoléon Bonaparte, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex – France.

Use of cookies

The three following cookies are used on our website and stored on client web browsers:

  • Frontend
  • Frontend_cid
  • Info_cookie

Frontend and Frontend_cid cookies are stored on our servers for 1 hour, while info_cookie cookies are stored for 12 months.

They are used to make it easier for you to navigate through our site. A cookie is a small data file stored on a computer which is used to grant you access to a number of the Portal's functions, such as being able to log on, being able to customise the way in which the site is displayed and being able to perform searches. Cookies cannot identify users personally. If you do not wish to accept cookies, you can configure your browser to prevent them from being accepted.

Most browsers give you the option to refuse cookies. For example:

  • (1) in Internet Explorer, you can refuse all cookies by clicking on "Tools", "Internet Options", "Confidentiality", and then by selecting "Block all cookies" from the drop-down menu;
  • (2) in Firefox, you can block all cookies by clicking on "Tools", "Options” and then unchecking the "Accept cookies" box on the "privacy" tab.

Blocking all cookies may, however, compromise your experience of our website. Indeed, cookies are needed for the Portal to operate correctly.