We'll be at the HYPORTS conference!

We'll be at the HYPORTS conference!

On March 21, IFP Training will be at the HYPORTS conference organized by Meet 4 Hydrogen, a must-attend event dedicated to sectorial application of hydrogen. 

A rich program of conferences led by experts highlighting partnerships between territories, manufacturers, laboratories, institutions and funders, and promoting cluster work to accelerate massification and effective deployment of Hydrogen. 

The event also highlights completed projects, allowing a permanent relationship between established players and new entrants. 

Our hydrogen expert, Ludovic LEROY, will take part in the “Training & Recruitment” round table and will try, among other things, to provide answers to the following questions: 

  • What are the sector's expectations in terms of initial and professional training? 
  • What courses have been or are being set up? 
  • What academic/industrial partnerships are needed? 
  • What are the expectations of recruiters? 

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