This course provides an overall strategy to achieve the main turnaround objectives: safety, deadline and budget compliance.
Public :
Engineers and staff (from maintenance, purchasing, project organization, and operation) involved in turnaround management for refining or petrochemical plants.
Level :Skilled
Prerequisite :
Provide evidence of a professional experience of at least 1 month, related to the concerned field.
Course Content
Duration : 1 Day
Turnaround justification: local regulation, maintenance, projects, plant availability.
Turnaround frequency and objectives: schedule, safety compliance, duration and cost.
Typical data used for a turnaround: economic incentives, scope definition.
Steering committee, organization and Key Performance Indicators. Financial breakdown and cost estimate.
Duration : 2 Days
Detailed scope, work-list analysis.
Work preparation: tasks sequencing, procedures, long-term material and spare parts orders.
Critical operation identification and preparation.
Cost estimation.
Scheduling: overview, detailed planning and milestones.
Safety plan - Logistics.
Scope challenge: internal and external review.
Team building techniques.
Contracting policy: clear understanding of the different types of contracts: lump sum, reimbursable, unit rates. Purchasing plan.
Contracting procedure.
Duration : 2 Days
Planning and quality control.
Cost control activities during works.
Management of changes and contingencies.
Mechanical completion, commissioning and start-up activities: acceptances certificates; organization.
Unplanned and additional works management.
Reporting and turnaround assessment.
Occupational health and safety. Lock-out/tag-out procedures.
Risks dealing with hot works, lifting, works at heights, scaffoldings, electrical, piping, high pressure cleaning, work in confined spaces.
Job safety analysis. Prevention plans and work permits: regulation, education, constraints. Responsibility of the personnel.
Learning Objectives
Attendees will be able to implement the following skills:
Identify the steps of a rigorous methodology in preparing shutdown work,
List the points to be taken into account in the establishment, monitoring and analysis of a shutdown schedule,
Specify organizational and supervisory elements that make shutdown work effective,
Explain basic safety rules to be followed during shutdown work.
Ways & Means
Numerous applications and cases studies.
An interactive delivery method that draws on participants' experiences.
Trainees mini-projects based on a standard plant.
Learning assessment
Knowledge assessment quiz.
Coordinator :IFP Training trainer (permanent or contracted) having a good expertise and/or experience of the related topics, trained to adult teaching methods, and whose competencies are kept up-to-date.
To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding.
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