Subject Matter Experts Accreditation


Who should attend?

  • The purpose of this accreditation is to develop the pedagogical know-how of a SME, as well as her/his capacity to transfer her/his knowledge, in order to make her/his trainees benefit the most from the SME’s advanced technical skills. This accreditation program covers creating, delivering and assessing a technical training program in the SME area of expertise.
Public :
  • SMEs of the E&P industry, counting with a high technical expertise and who may be required to perform classroom training roles for advanced technical training programs.

Level :Knowledge

Prerequisite :
  • Degree holder in a technical field, related to her/his current area of expertise.
  • Professional renowned in her/his company, occupying her/his current job for 5 years at least.
  • Associated to her/his company training department.

Course Content


      • Candidates follow a 1-week training on the principles and tools needed for delivering professional training programs to adults.
      • The purpose of this week is to enable candidates to acquire pedagogical methods, best practices and get into the right habits so they can apply them in the three following phases. This phase also serves as an opportunity for candidates to take a step back and take a look at the role of trainer.
      • Accreditation assessment: role-play.

      • This section provides candidates with the opportunity to analyze the way in which teaching is delivered and the techniques that the IFP Training expert uses, building on what they will have looked at from a theoretical perspective during the first week.
      • The theme of this week should correspond to the candidate's area of expertise so that they can fully integrate the learning techniques and tools used.
      • Accreditation assessment: The candidate is asked to analyze the methods and dynamics they have seen during the training course.

      • For this phase, the IFP Training’s expert identifies, together with the SME and her/his company, the topics, related to the SME’s area of expertise, for which pedagogical material is missing or is incomplete. Candidates will have to create pedagogical material necessary to the delivery of a complete training module. Training material development uses the pedagogical methods acquired during the first week and is inspired from the course delivery attended. The SME will be coached by the IFP Training expert throughout this phase so that complete, viable pedagogical documents are created by the end of part 3, reusing various pedagogical training activities suitable for adult learning (lessons, exercises, teamwork exercises, case studies…).
      • Once the material created, the SME should be able to transfer the training material she/he is responsible for to other trainers, to enable them to deliver the training at the same level of quality.
      • This part will consist of a personalized coaching on communication methods and adaptation skills needed for the SME to transfer the pedagogical supports and methods to be applied.
      • A real-life situation is organized.
      • Accreditation assessment: candidates will be assessed on their ability to adapt and on the quality of the pedagogical material that they produce.

      • Within a company, the subject matter expert has to use her/his skills to build the skill data references corresponding to her/his area of expertise. Therefore, she/he will need to understand the objectives and methods of an effective competence management system, and be able to diagnose the need for her/his company.
      • To create effective tools, it is important that candidates have knowledge of the complete cycle of competence management and can link it to the methodology used in their structure.
      • This phase is not subject to an accreditation assessment, but it is essential to link the technical careers with the trainings to be implemented.

      • This section is made up of two phases.
      • An initial co-delivery phase with an IFP Training expert in real-life conditions. During this phase, candidates will have the opportunity to draw on the instructor's management techniques and continually correct their own methods, using advice given to them by the expert.
      • The second phase involves autonomously running one of the course's modules, in real-life conditions.
      • The theme of the module must correspond to the candidate's area of expertise so that she/he can focus on the pedagogical methods.
      • Accreditation assessment: assessment of the training performance.

Learning Objectives

  • Obtaining the accreditation will validate the SME's expertise in:
  • Delivering technical training courses,
  • Creating pedagogical material, adapted to the training level, for her/his use or for others’,
  • Adapting and implementing pedagogical activities,
  • Catalyzing the group's enthusiasm and developing its positive attitude by implementing active pedagogical methods,
  • Developing and maintaining participants' interest,
  • Facilitating understanding and knowledge acquisition,
  • Assessing the knowledge acquired and adapting the course delivery accordingly,
  • Make use of her/his expertise to support the competence management process of her/his company.

Ways & Means

  • Personalized coaching, role-play, active learning.

Learning assessment

  • The program contains one evaluation for part 1, 2, 3 and 5 of the program, for a total of four, described in the agenda.


Additional information :Minimum duration: 25 days. * The content, the duration of each phase and the way in which the activities are run for this accreditation will be adapted to the client and to the initial profiles of the trainers to be accredited.

Coordinator :IFP Training trainer (permanent or contracted) having a good expertise and/or experience of the related topics, trained to adult teaching methods, and whose competencies are kept up-to-date.

To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding. Please contact our disabled persons referent to check the accessibility of this training program :