This course provides a complete review of the main refining and petrochemicals specificities, as well as the identification of the possible synergies. It highlights the economic gains achievable from refining-petrochemicals integration.
Public :
Staff from refining and petrochemicals involved in production, planning, procurement, marketing, management control and investment.
Level :Skilled
Prerequisite :
Basic knowledge of refining and petrochemicals unit operations.
Basic notions of Microsoft Excel.
Course Content
Duration : 0.5 Day
Main petroleum and petrochemicals products: key product specifications review.
Common treatment of the C4 cuts: BTX (Benzene-Toluene-Xylene) extraction.
Pooling services.
Duration : 0.5 Day
Refining and petrochemical margins and costs.
Location and unit severities effects.
Gains due to synergies.
Case study: economics of a refinery, of a steam cracker and of the integration of both (with some synergies).
Learning Objectives
Attendees will be able to implement the following skills:
Describe the main specificities of the refining and petrochemicals sectors,
Identify the possible synergies between refining and petrochemicals.
Ways & Means
Quiz, examples.
Case studies and exercises in team work.
Learning assessment
Participants will be evaluated during the training through exercises and case studies.
Coordinator :In-house or contracted IFP Training trainers having expertise and experience in refining and petrochemicals sectors.
To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding.
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