Practice of Exploration-Production Contracts Economic Modeling


Who should attend?

  • To provide a practical understanding of the economic modeling of Oil & Gas field development project as well as exploration projects.
  • A number of computer case studies will be treated all along the course to apply the principles that are presented succinctly, which makes this course a very practical one.
Public :
  • Economists, engineers and executives involved in Exploration-Production activities who need to acquire a deep understanding of fiscal modeling for project evaluation.

Level :Skilled

Prerequisite :
  • Basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel.

Course Content


      • Overview of E&P activities, exploration, development and production costs.
      • General principles of oil taxation.
      • Concession contracts, production sharing contracts and service contracts.
      • Principles of rent sharing between States and oil companies.
      • Case studies: examples of contracts.
  • OIL CONTRACT MODELING - Duration : 2 Days

      • Cost of capital and discount rate, value creation.
      • Economic criteria for project evaluation: net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, etc.
      • Global profitability analysis, the impact of taxation and inflation on economic indicators.
      • Specific method to Exploration and Production: shadow interest.
      • Case studies: development of an oil field (under concession and production sharing agreements).
      • Equity profitability analysis.
      • Case studies: LNG project and gas pipeline project with specific financing.

      • Introduction to risk analysis and risk discount rate: sensitivity analysis, Spider and Tornado diagrams.
      • Probability of success, methodology of decision tree analysis.
      • Analysis of economic risk in exploration.
      • Typical problems with uncertainties:
      • Impact of ringfencing and State participation on the exploration decision process.
      • Farm in/farm out, cost and value of information.
      • Portfolio management for E&P projects.

      • Development of an oil field (under concession and production sharing agreements).
      • LNG plant project with specific financing.
      • Impact of “ringfencing” and the state participation in the decision-making process.
      • Valuation of a decision to acquire information (seismic or drilling).
      • Pricing of an exploration bloc.

Learning Objectives

  • Attendees will be able to implement the following skills:
  • Build economic models for the economic evaluation of Exploration-Production projects,
  • Analyze the economic results and carry out sensitivity analysis,
  • Incorporate the geological risk and uncertainty in the economic evaluation of E&P projects.

Ways & Means

  • Case studies simulated on computers.

Learning assessment

  • Participants will be evaluated during the training through quizzes and case studies.


Coordinator :IFP Training trainers having expertise and experience in upstream project economic modeling.

To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding. Please contact our disabled persons referent to check the accessibility of this training program :