This training provides a global vision of renewable energies, their share in the French, European and global energy mix, as well as a technical and economic overview of the available solutions.
Public :
This training is intended for anyone interested in the energy transition, renewable energies and decarbonation issues.
Level :Awareness
Prerequisite :
No pre-requisites are necessary to follow this course.
Course Content
Duration : 0.5 Day
World energy scene: supply & demand, actors, findings and perspectives.
The place of renewable energy in the French, European and global energy mix.
Neutrality, budget and carbon bubble: commitments, constraints, risks and opportunities.
Energy & Climate: decarbonation and electrification.
Duration : 0.5 Day
Different production methods: thermodynamic, photovoltaic, thermal, passive.
Technology and state of the art - Main production sites and current projects.
Main applications.
Cost of electricity production and GHG emissions during the life cycle.
Application: Sizing of a production plant.
Duration : 0.5 Day
Different production methods: Onshore – Offshore – Floating. Advantages and disadvantages.
Different types of wind turbines. Principle of operation.
Technology and state of the art - Distribution of production in the world.
Cost of electricity production and GHG emissions during the life cycle.
Application: Analysis of a production site.
Duration : 0.5 Day
Biomass, Biogas and Biofuels - Associated technologies and end uses.
Place of bioenergy in France and in Europe.
State of the art and main projects in progress.
Cost of electricity production.
Application : Production of biogas by methanization.
Duration : 0.25 Day
Main production methods: hydroelectricity, tidal, current, wave, osmotic.
Current state of art and main projects underway.
Cost of electricity production and life cycle GHG emissions.
Duration : 0.25 Day
Geothermal energy for power and heat production - Main technologies.
Advantages and disadvantages - Impact on the environment.
Integration with existing production sites.
Cost of electricity production and life cycle GHG emissions.
Duration : 0.25 Day
Hydrogen: an energy carrier.
The different colors of hydrogen depending on the production method.
End use of hydrogen. Constraints of use.
State of the art and main projects in progress.
Duration : 0.25 Day
Strategy of the key players.
Availability of strategic metals, rare earth metals and water.
Low-carbon approach: from energy sufficiency to compensation.
Learning Objectives
Attendees will be able to implement the following skills:
Briefly describe the techniques used in the different renewable energy production sectors,
List the main advantages and disadvantages of these production chains.
Ways & Means
Sub-groups activities, business cases, educational games.
Illustration by concrete industrial cases and current events.
Training integrating a complete environment of accompaniment of the trainees in their process of acquisition of the contents, proposed in three sequences:
Mobilize: allows participants to become familiar with the training, a few days before the course, by providing introductory content.
Training: the heart of the classroom training allowing a face-to-face meeting with the participants.
Anchor: After-the-fact support is provided to participants through supplemental content that allows those who wish to deepen their knowledge on the topics covered.
Learning assessment
Quizzes at the beginning and end of the course.
Coordinator :Permanent or contracted IFP Training trainer(s) with expertise and/or industrial experience in the field of new energies, trained in adult trainings and continuously trained.
To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding.
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