Electrical Motors: Technology, Operation & Maintenance


Who should attend?

  • This course focuses on the technical development of industrial electrical motors.
Public :
  • Electrical and mechanical engineers, supervisors, technicians involved in electrical motors maintenance and operation.

Level :Expert

Prerequisite :
  • Provide evidence of a professional experience of at least 1 month related to the concerned field.

Course Content


      • Working principle of induction and synchronous motors.
      • Features: power, current, torque and power factors.
      • Technology and main parameters.
      • Protective modes in regards with external environments: temperature classes, protection class index, hazardous area motors, ATEX protection.
      • Electrical and thermal protection of the motor as well as the use of temperature sensors.
      • API 541 asynchronous guidelines for refinery and petrochemical motors.
      • Efficiency motor's standards IEC 60 034-30/IEEE 112.
  • VARIABLE SPEED FEATURES - Duration : 1 Day

      • Power and HV/LV range, fields of use and typical applications.
      • Speed and motor control as well as network consequences. Synchronous motor: torque control and various technologies.
      • Induction motor: standard starting methods depending on mechanical load, motor power and network capacity; limiting conditions due to the grid; number of start constraints. Electronic starting method (soft starter).
  • INSTALLATION - Duration : 0.5 Day

      • Main characteristics and constraints for a motor installation.
      • Skid and shim. Shaft alignment. Comparison to reference datasheets. Vibration footprint.

      • Bearings: temperature, vibration, lubrication monitoring.
      • Mechanical failures.

      • Part identification in workshop.
      • Bearings assembly, housing repair, clearance and concentricity control.
      • Electrical insulation and phases balancing control.
      • Impact of frequency inverters and harmonics on electrical coils insulation and the bearings.
      • Coil insulation repairs: vacuum coils impregnation, technology and quality. Rewinding and coils positioning according to magnetic circuit's notches. Electrical controls (electrical resistance, insulation, polarization…).
      • Balancing: quality standards, unload and load tests. Repair specification: specification content as well as work acceptance.
      • Visit of a motor repair workshop (if possible).

Learning Objectives

  • Attendees will be able to implement the following skills:
  • Explain how electric motors work,
  • List the main malfunctions,
  • Specify the diagnostic tools in use,
  • Explain repair and inspection techniques.

Ways & Means

  • Visit of a motor repair workshop.
  • Interactive course.
  • Motor disassembly and assembly in case of an available workshop.

Learning assessment

  • Quiz.


Coordinator :IFP Training trainer (permanent or contracted) having a good expertise and/or experience of the related topics, trained to adult teaching methods, and whose competencies are kept up-to-date.

To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding. Please contact our disabled persons referent to check the accessibility of this training program : referent.handicap@ifptraining.com