O&G Companies Towards Carbon Neutrality: Challenges & Solutions


Who should attend?

  • In the perspective to adapt their business to energy transition, O&G companies have to reach carbon neutrality in the coming period as already define for Total, Shell, BP and others.
  • This training course aim at focusing to main challenges O&G business will face, from reducing energy consumption and mitigating carbon emissions, to include renewable energies in their energy mix. Moreover, they will shift their business to new models.
Public :
  • The training is dedicated to international O&G operators (NOC and IOC) and is adapted from technical managers to top management.

Level :Knowledge

Prerequisite :
  • 3-years’ experience in the energy industry and/or Master’s degree in engineering or finance.

Course Content

  • ENERGY CONTEXT FOR OIL & GAS - Duration : 0.5 Day

      • Climate change and potential impacts for companies.
      • Carbon constraint.
      • Global perspectives on energy transition: market, client expectations, stakeholders and NGO.
  • ENERGY EFFICIENCY FOR O&G SITES - Duration : 1.5 Days

      • Identification of main consumer systems.
      • Global energy balance for typical site (benchmark).
      • Flare gas recovery, flaring reduction.
      • Energy efficiency: economizers, waste heat recovery, motors, pumps and compressors…
  • CARBON MANAGEMENT - Duration : 1 Day

      • Methodology to reduce carbon footprint path to carbon neutrality.
      • CCS value chain: capture, treatment, transportation and storage.
      • From CCS to CCUS: what are potential industrial usages of carbon?
      • Economics: cost of each item
  • RENEWABLE ENERGIES - Duration : 1 Day

      • Presentation of the main sources: solar, wind, bioenergies, geothermal.
      • Technical and markets statements.
      • Comparison from an economical point of view: USD/kWh, ROI, CAPEX.
      • Pros and Cons.
  • NEW BUSINESS MODELS - Duration : 0.5 Day

      • Perspectives for gas market.
      • Electricity: the new business for petroleum companies.
      • Hydrogen: the future?

      • Define energy roadmap for the group.
      • Evaluate KPI, Key Performance Indicators.
      • International mechanisms to finance project.
      • Conclusions and perspectives.

Learning Objectives

  • Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
  • understand existing strategies to better take into account the carbon footprint of their activities,
  • discover the available technologies potentially applicable to their activities,
  • implement CCS and CCUS systems in future projects or on existing ones,
  • integrate renewable energies into their energy mix and discover international financing mechanisms,
  • share their experiences on existing examples and the economic and ecological benefits.

Ways & Means

  • Quiz.
  • Team games.
  • Case studies.
  • Calculations through economics and KPI’s.

Learning assessment

  • Participants will be evaluated during the training through quiz and exercises.


Coordinator :Trainers having expertise and experience in energy transition and O&G sector economics.

To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding. Please contact our disabled persons referent to check the accessibility of this training program : referent.handicap@ifptraining.com