This course makes it possible to select the appropriate safety reviews and know how to implement them.
Public :
This training is intended for personnel responsible for analyzing HSE risks during design or on existing installations.
Level :Skilled
Prerequisite :
Provide evidence of a professional experience of at least 3 months within Safety, Operation, Maintenance department belonging to process industry, or in an Engineering, or also in an insurance company.
Objectives and implementation conditions: integration into the project planning.
Overview of the different reviews and methods. Impact on the Safety Management System (SMS).
Selection of the most appropriate method according to the context: new project, existing site and modifications, updating of hazard studies, authorization to operate...
Organization: identification of attendees, scheduling the review according to the studies development phase, documentation, preparation of the review, cutting of the PIDs.
Animation and conduct of reviews. HAZOP review simulation on a simple case.
HAZOP quantified.
Preparation of the review report, follow-up and closure of actions/recommendations.
What-if - Check-list: complementarity with the HAZOP method, interests and limits.
Module 4 - LOPA METHOD (Layer Of Protection Analysis)
Duration : 1 Day
Complementarity with HAZOP review. Principle of LOPA.
Concept of safety barriers - Determination of IPL (Independent Protection Layers).
Evaluation of the need for a SIF (Safety Instrumented Function).
Determination of the required SIL (Safety Integrity Level). Understanding of calculation elements (supplier data, databases).
Preparation/animation of reviews, according to IEC 61 511. Simulation of a LOPA on a simple case.
Module 5 - USE OF QRA (Quantitative Risk Assessment)
Duration : 1 Day
Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA):
Overview of the method. Evaluation of the consequences. Probability, IRPA, societal risk, FN curves.
Scenario determination, Fault Tree analysis (FTA), Event Tree Analysis (ETA).
Bow tie: principle, construction and use. Safety barriers.
Use of QRAs: determination of design principles and criteria for the safety of an installation.
HSE concept. DAL (Design Accidental Loads).
Learning Objectives
Attendees will be able to implement the following skills:
prioritize risk analysis results,
list the preparatory elements of the security reviews according to the context (project nine, modifications).
Additional information :The training is divided into 5 modules. Each method corresponds to a specific 1-day module (except Module 3 - HAZOP, 1.5 days) which can be delivered separately. Module 1 (0.5 day) must be taken during the course about the first selected method. Knowledge of the HAZOP method essential to the practice of LOPA.
Coordinator :IFP Training trainer (permanent or contracted) having a good expertise and/or experience of risk analysis and reviews, trained to adult teaching methods, and whose competencies are kept up-to-date.
To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding.
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