IFP Training Certificates

Training adapted to industry needs

A woman working and looking at a factory
A smiling businesswoman
A man working on an oil site
A smiling businessman with a phone in his hand
Two people working together on a site
Graduating students take a group photo

IFP Training is the key expert organization in the energy and powertrain sectors.

Our areas of expertise have been established in partnership with key industry players to meet their needs in the field. Maintaining close contact with the industry allows us to stay informed of its ever-changing needs and to update our target learning objectives.

An IFP TRAINING CERTIFICATE validates the acquisition of knowledge and competencies acquired during training. It has become a global industry reference.

The IFP Training certificates

IFP Training offers four different programs, each tailored to specific career goals.

Capacity enhancement


An ideal step for operators and technicians wishing to amplify their capabilities and improve their professional profile.

A graduate


A perfect choice for ambitious young engineers looking to deepen their industrial knowledge and broaden their field of expertise.

A graph of the growth curve showing an evolution


Designed for experienced professionals with a 10+ year field experience, looking to strengthen their expertise.

Light bulb with brain to show idea and innovation


Designed for visionary managers and high-potential individuals, aiming to gain a comprehensive understanding of a specific area.

Fist of success

Our 90.4% success rate obtained in 2023 attests to the quality and relevance of our lecturers’ technical and educational skills.

A clear and transparent delivery process

IFP Training is an independent and impartial organization.

Each IFP Training certificate results from the application of a clearly defined framework which includes:

  • prerequisites,
  • training objectives and teaching methods,
  • competencies to acquire.

The issuance of an IFP Training Certificate validates the acquisition of competencies that matches international standards.

A woman who sets goals from a distance

Steps in the process

We offer a modular sequenced training program for an optimized experience.

A man on a building site holding a notebook

Obtaining an IFP Training certificate involves several stages :


Recruitment process

Application submission, followed by careful selection of participants.



Implementation of tailor-made training scenario, which may include practical on-the-job sequences for an immersive learning experience.



Continuous competency assessment throughout the program, concluded with a final assessment to evaluate mastery of key skills.


Final Exam

In-depth examination by the IFP Training Certificate Award Committee.

We are fully committed to delivering a high level of quality
All processes mentioned are integral parts of our ISO 9001: 2015 certified quality management.