Geopolitics of Oil & Gas


Who should attend?

  • This course aims to provide an updated statement of both political and economic issues driven by the oil and gas sector (Covid-19, climate change, supply and demand crisis, unconventional oil and gas…). Participants will get a complete overview to break apart national, regional and international strategies related to the energy sector.
Public :
  • This course is geared towards decision-makers from the oil and gas sector, executives (banking, insurance, consulting), public administration staff (foreign affairs, energy, environment, industry, finance), PhD and postgraduate students.

Level :Knowledge

Prerequisite :
  • Basic knowledge of the Oil and Gas industry.

Course Content


      • Oil and gas resources: definitions, characteristics, localization, outputs.
      • Production and consumption: supply/demand asymmetry and trading analysis.
      • Historical reminder on the oil and gas industry (monopoly, cartel, liberalization).
      • Forecasts: key change factors (Covid-19, climate change, unconventional sources…) and IEA scenarios.
  • OIL SECTOR ISSUES - Duration : 0.75 Day

      • Upstream: stages and technical-economic aspects of the Exploration-Production.
      • Reserves estimation and availability.
      • Stakeholder’s strategy: producing and consuming states; NOC, IOC, majors; OPEC+ changeover.
      • Oil contracts: classification, negotiation State/operator, principles of oil rent sharing.
      • Midstream and trading basics: physical markets, shipping, strategic crossroads, pipeline networks.
      • Downstream: refining economics and margins, capacity and new projects.
      • Focus on current trends by region (OPEC+, United States, Russia) or topic (Covid-19, crisis, unconventional).
  • GAS SECTOR ISSUES - Duration : 0.75 Day

      • Gas value chain: production, treatment, transportation, storage, distribution.
      • LNG chain, FLNG, FSRU, small scale, LNG.
      • Pros and cons regarding gas in the energy transition.
      • Midstream: infrastructures, transportation and main grids.
      • Gas contracts: long-term contracts, and main clauses (take-or-pay, netback, indexation, pricing formula).
      • Focus on current trends by region (Middle East, United States, Russia) or topic (shale, PtG, biogas…).

Learning Objectives

  • Attendees will be able to implement the following skills:
  • analyse oil and gas resources, public and private power relations and interpret changes in supply and demand in the energy mix,
  • describe the main stages in the upstream oil and gas value chain and understand the contractual relationships between governments and operators.

Learning assessment

  • Participants will be evaluated during the training through quiz and exercises.


Coordinator :IFP Training trainers having expertise and experience in oil sector economics.

To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding. Please contact our disabled persons referent to check the accessibility of this training program :