This training provides a better understanding of the structure, the methods of operation, the uses and the impacts of gas physical, financial and paper trading.
Public :
All personnel in the gas or associated industries needing to improve their knowledge and understanding of gas trading and pricing mechanisms.
Level :Skilled
Prerequisite :
Basic knowledge of natural gas and LNG chain.
Course Content
Duration : 0.25 Day
Evolution of gas demand. Projections.
Gas reserves and production.
Gas producing countries. International supply projects.
Regional gas demands.
International trade. LNG trading.
Duration : 0.5 Day
Types of contracts.
Features of long term contracts.
Contractual quantities, nominations and Take-or-Pay.
Gas pricing: indexation principle.
Concepts of market value and cost plus.
Duration : 0.5 Day
Spot markets.
Forward contracts.
North American Hubs.
Spot markets in UK and continental Europe.
Price References and the role of reporting agencies.
Duration : 0.5 Day
Features of gas Future contracts.
Exchanges and their organization: NYMEX, ICE.
Hedging using Future contracts.
Basis risk and hedging imperfections.
Duration : 0.25 Day
Swaps: principles, basics and characteristics.
Options (call, puts): principles, basics and characteristics.
OTC derivatives: caps, floors, collars.
Learning Objectives
Attendees will be able to implement the following skills:
Analyze the fundamentals of gas supply and regional demand and the basic structure of gas sales agreements,
Review the different gas trading markets, types of transactions and the hedging techniques available.
Ways & Means
Examples of contracts.
Statistical data.
Learning assessment
Participants will be evaluated during the training through quizzes and exercises.
Coordinator :Contracted IFP Training trainer having expertise and experience on the management of short-term agreements and negotiation of gas long-term contracts.
To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding.
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