Gas Markets & Trading


Who should attend?

  • This training provides a better understanding of the structure, the methods of operation, the uses and the impacts of gas physical, financial and paper trading.
Public :
  • All personnel in the gas or associated industries needing to improve their knowledge and understanding of gas trading and pricing mechanisms.

Level :Skilled

Prerequisite :
  • Basic knowledge of natural gas and LNG chain.

Course Content

  • GAS SUPPLY & DEMAND - Duration : 0.25 Day

      • Evolution of gas demand. Projections.
      • Gas reserves and production.
      • Gas producing countries. International supply projects.
      • Regional gas demands.
      • International trade. LNG trading.
  • LONG TERM CONTRACTS - Duration : 0.5 Day

      • Types of contracts.
      • Features of long term contracts.
      • Contractual quantities, nominations and Take-or-Pay.
      • Gas pricing: indexation principle.
      • Concepts of market value and cost plus.
  • SPOT & FORWARD MARKETS - Duration : 0.5 Day

      • Spot markets.
      • Forward contracts.
      • North American Hubs.
      • Spot markets in UK and continental Europe.
      • Price References and the role of reporting agencies.
  • FUTURES MARKETS - Duration : 0.5 Day

      • Features of gas Future contracts.
      • Exchanges and their organization: NYMEX, ICE.
      • Hedging using Future contracts.
      • Basis risk and hedging imperfections.
  • RISK MANAGEMENT - Duration : 0.25 Day

      • Swaps: principles, basics and characteristics.
      • Options (call, puts): principles, basics and characteristics.
      • OTC derivatives: caps, floors, collars.

Learning Objectives

  • Attendees will be able to implement the following skills:
  • Analyze the fundamentals of gas supply and regional demand and the basic structure of gas sales agreements,
  • Review the different gas trading markets, types of transactions and the hedging techniques available.

Ways & Means

  • Examples of contracts.
  • Statistical data.

Learning assessment

  • Participants will be evaluated during the training through quizzes and exercises.


Coordinator :Contracted IFP Training trainer having expertise and experience on the management of short-term agreements and negotiation of gas long-term contracts.

To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding. Please contact our disabled persons referent to check the accessibility of this training program :