Electric Drives for Automotive Propulsion Design, Modeling & Simulation
Who should attend?
This course provides a deeper knowledge on how to design, build a model and simulate electrical drives, integrate the automotive needs and constraints.
Public :
Design or test engineers or technicians, currently working at manufacturers or OEM in automotive trucks or off-road fields and wishing to design, develop, model, simulate, specify or use electrical drives in electric and hybrid projects involving technical and economic constraints.
Level :Knowledge
Course Content
Automotive electrical drives
Duration : 1.75 Days
Fundamental of electrotechnics: electrical measurements, electrical components: magnets, conductors, magnetic materials, magnetic circuits, production of magnetic fields, magnetic forces, electromagnetic induction, impedances (inductors, capacitors, electrical circuits), vector calculations (voltages and sinusoidal voltages, vector diagram, power calculation, currents, active and reactive power), electrical machines losses, performances and dimensions, single and three phase, real and ideal transformers.
DC machines: fundamentals, equivalent electrical circuit, design rules, design and layout constraints, manufacturing processes, industrial and economic aspects, examples of vehicle applications.
Synchronous machines: fundamentals, equivalent electrical circuit, design rules, design and layout constraints, manufacturing processes, industrial and economic aspects, examples of application of vehicle.
Induction machines: fundamentals, equivalent electrical circuit, design rules; design and layout constraints; manufacturing processes, industrial and economic aspects; examples of application of vehicle.
Automotive electrical drives power electronics
Duration : 0.75 Day
Power electronics for machines control: choppers, inverters, rectifiers; technology, design and operation; characteristics, layout constraints, thermal and vibration aspects; electromagnetic compatibility; manufacturing processes, industrial and economic aspects; examples of vehicle applications.
Power components: fundamentals, design and operations; conduction and switching losses; cooling (technologies, operation and design).
Automotive electrical machines control
Duration : 0.5 Day
Reminders on electrical machines control with electric or hybrid vehicles. Reminders on energy management with electric or hybrid vehicles. Torque and speed control issues.
PWM construction and theory. DC machines torque control.
Vector control. Park Equations. Flux and torque control of synchronous and induction machines.
Sliding mode control of induction motors.
Power electronics design, modeling & simulation
Duration : 1 Day
Chopper design, modeling and simulation with PSpice.
Bridge and three-phase inverter design, modeling and simulation with PSpice. Power electronics losses modeling.
Electric machines modeling & simulation
Duration : 1 Day
Electric machines modeling and simulation with equivalent circuits.
DC machine modeling and simulation. Real machine datasheet analyzes. Model design and calibration with Matlab-Simulink. DC machine and chopper torque control modeling and simulation.
Induction machine modeling and simulation. Real machine datasheet analyzes. Model design and calibration with Matlab-Simulink.
Induction machine and three-phase inverter chopper torque control by sliding speed modeling and simulation.
Synchronous machine modeling and simulation. Real machine datasheet analyzes. Model design and calibration with Matlab-Simulink.
Synchronous machine and three phase inverter torque control by oriented vector control (implementation of equations Park) modeling and simulation.
Learning Objectives
Attendees will be able to implement the following skills:
Know the fundamentals of electric drives,
Know cooling technologies for electrical machine and power electronics,
Understand design, build a model and simulate electrical drives including gearbox and dynamic aspects,
Understand, design, build a model and simulate electrical machines, power electronics and cooling systems,
Integrate the automotive technical, industrial and economic constraints in system design and make architectural choices.
Ways & Means
Interactive talks with experts from automotive industry.
Some components are dismantled and studied.
The design electrical equations are suitable to specify a large number of automotive electrical drives.
Modeling and simulation of power electronics allow students to understand the design and the operation of this kind of devices.
Modeling and simulation of electrical drives allow students to understand the design and the operation.
Coordinator :Trainer with a high level of expertise and experience on these topics and whose skills are kept up-to-date.
To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding.
Please contact our disabled persons referent to check the accessibility of this training program : referent.handicap@ifptraining.com