E&P Project Logistics Management


Who should attend?

  • This course aims to provide an overall view of the logistics issues of Oil & Gas upstream projects.
Public :
  • Engineers or technicians who will hold positions in an E&P logistics organization.

Level :Knowledge

Prerequisite :
  • Provide evidence of a professional experience of at least 1 month, related to the concerned field.

Course Content

  • TRANSPORT - Duration : 2.5 Days

      • Road transport: characteristics of road transportation; transport of dangerous goods; risks, contracts, operation, maintenance; referential; infrastructure.
      • Air transport: aircraft, international referential.
      • Sea transport: vessels, marine inspection, port facilities, transportation of personnel, tanker loading, rig move, marine operations, weather.
  • LOGISTICS - Duration : 2.5 Days

      • Logistics base management: base concept, organization and sizing, material management, base operations.
      • Warehouse management: warehouse concept, warehouse organization, transit areas, shelter, workshop, lifting and handling operations.
      • Industrial risks.
      • Waste management.

Learning Objectives

  • Attendees will be able to implement the following skills:
  • Identify the stakes and challenges related to the development of an Oil & Gas field,
  • Explain the differences between road, sea and air transport,
  • Deal with HSE challenges.

Learning assessment

  • Quiz at the end of the module.


Coordinator :IFP Training trainer (permanent or contracted) having a good expertise and/or experience of the related topics, trained to adult teaching methods, and whose competencies are kept up-to-date.

To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding. Please contact our disabled persons referent to check the accessibility of this training program : referent.handicap@ifptraining.com