PVT Modeling


Who should attend?

  • This course provides an extensive and practical understanding for analyzing PVT reports, handling data and defining PVT models for use in compositional and black oil simulations.
Public :
  • Reservoir engineers and petroleum engineers willing to acquire advanced knowledge about PVT modeling.

Level :Knowledge

Prerequisite :
  • Basic knowledge in PVT (fluids properties, measurement techniques and data, thermodynamics and classi-cal correlation).

Course Content


      • Fluid properties:
      • PVT properties of pure components and mixtures.
      • Functions and variables.
      • Properties of reservoir fluids.
      • Introduction to PVT modeling software.
      • Thermodynamic models and equilibrium:
      • Functions and variables.
      • EOS and algorithms.
      • Component properties and lumping.
      • Liquid-vapor thermodynamic equilibrium.
  • RESERVOIR, FIELD CASES & PROJECT - Duration : 3 Days

      • Measurements:
      • Sampling.
      • Analysis.
      • Standardization of data.
      • PVT experiments.
      • Gas injection specific data.
      • Fluid modeling:
      • PVT compositional modeling.
      • Matching of experimental data.
      • Physical consistency.
      • Gravitational segregation.
      • Miscibility.
      • Field cases:
      • Compartmentalization.
      • Non-classical GOR profile.
      • Reservoir stripping.
      • Data for reservoir simulation:
      • Compositional.
      • Black oil (standard, extended).
      • Project and exercises:
      • From the PVT Report do the PVT model.
      • Quality check of the data.
      • Oil fitting.
      • Gas fitting.
      • Discussions and conclusions.

Learning Objectives

  • Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
  • Analyze PVT reports and discuss and handle PVT data,
  • Build a PVT model in order to represent fluid behavior with respect to available and validated PVT data,
  • Match a PVT model.

Ways & Means

  • Interactive courses and exercises.
  • Hands-on practices using dedicated modeling software BEST™ or PVTi™ or PVTFlow™.
  • Mini-project.
  • Software used during workshops: with courtesy of Beicip-Franlab and Schlumberger.

Learning assessment

  • Knowledge assessment with multiple choice questions and open explanatory questions.


Coordinator :IFP Training trainers (permanent or contracted) having a high expertise and/or experience of the related topics, trained to adult teaching methods, and whose competencies are kept up-to-date.

To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding. Please contact our disabled persons referent to check the accessibility of this training program : referent.handicap@ifptraining.com