This course provides a complete overview of petroleum engineering covering primary issues of reservoir, drilling, completion and surface production.
Public :
Professionals in technical, commercial, legal, financial or human resources departments, within the petroleum industry or related sectors, who need a general knowledge in petroleum engineering.
Level :Awareness
Prerequisite :
No pre-requisistes are necessary to follow this course.
Course Content
Duration : 0.25 Day
Introduction to the energy business: energy resources; energy demand and supply.
Scope of the Oil & Gas industry:
Context: producer and consumer countries; national/ independent/ international oil companies; services companies; international organizations.
Risks related to the Oil & Gas industry.
Duration : 1 Day
Introduction to petroleum geology:
Geodynamics of the earth. Sedimentary basins. Structural deformations (folds & faults).
Clastic and carbonate depositional environments and reservoirs.
Elements and processes of the petroleum system (source, reservoir, seal, traps).
Subsurface models, inputs data and concepts:
Seismic data gathering, processing and interpretation.
Well data acquisition and analysis.
Formation evaluation and sampling (logs and cores).
Reservoir characterization and modeling:
Data integration; introduction to reservoir modeling.
Management of subsurface uncertainties.
Volumetrics (in-place hydrocarbon estimation).
Subsurface Development Options: reservoir engineering:
Field development planning.
Drainage mechanisms: introduction to EOR and storage.
Different types of reservoir effluents and their behavior.
Unconventional resources:
Introduction to unconventional developments.
Non-conventional resources and their extraction techniques.
Environmental aspects.
Duration : 2 Days
Organization on site.
Well design.
Drilling rig: functions hoisting, rotations, pumping, power and safety.
Selection of the drilling and production rigs - Platforms.
Design and specific equipment.
Duration : 1.75 Days
Produced fluid properties.
Gathering system, hydrate inhibition.
Crude oil treatment: separation, crude oil dehydration and desalting processes.
Gas processing: dehydration, sweetening, NGL recovery processes.
Metering and shipment.
Visit of a production site (if available)*.
Learning Objectives
Attendees will be able to implement the following skills:
know about major issues in petroleum engineering,
understand the various operations carried out during field development, from drilling to surface treatment,
know the vocabulary needed to communicate with E&P professionals,
identify the contribution of the different business lines and interact effectively with the different technical teams.
Ways & Means
Interactive animation by E&P senior experienced lecturers.
Visits to a drilling rig and a production site (in Pau training center)*.
Numerous videos.
* When the course is delivered in Rueil-Malmaison, practical illustration is provided by video.
Learning assessment
Quiz on request.
Coordinator :IFP Training trainer (permanent or contracted) having a good expertise and/or experience of the related topics, trained to adult teaching methods, and whose competencies are kept up-to-date.
To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding.
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