Who should attend?
- This module consists in 10-day workshops and hands-on project to apply data management and data science concepts to E&P real-case data. The objective is to mimic usual situations in E&P companies that could involve data management and data science, and to create/develop models in E&P domains (seismic, geology…) to enhance decision-making processes in a short time.
- Working on several workshops, the trainees have to solve issues like how to organize the E&P data acquired in a data room? How to assess data quality? Can Artificial Intelligence help? How would supervised or unsupervised AI helps for seismic interpretation?
Public :
- This training has been designed for O&G professionals who want to have a practical experience of data management and data analytics. This module is part of the IFP Training’s Data Management and Data Science for E&P operations graduate certification.
Level :Awareness
Prerequisite :
- No pre-requisistes are necessary to follow this course.