Process Energy Efficiency Improvement for Industrial Plants

Pinch Analysis

Who should attend?

  • This course provides comprehensive and applied knowledge of pinch analysis and covers how to improve energy efficiency in existing plants or new projects.
Public :
  • Engineers from process, engineering, R&D departments of industrial plants in various industries (oil, gas, petrochemical, chemical, energy, paper, food, etc.).

Level :Expert

Prerequisite :
  • Engineer degree or equivalent experience in a transformation industry.

Course Content

  • ENERGY EFFICIENCY & CONTEXT - Duration : 0.5 Day

      • Definition of Key Performance Indicators: energy intensity and efficiency, units and use.
      • Motivations and constraints: energy dependence and regulation.
      • Energy management system: PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act), ISO 50001 standard.
      • Different approaches for energy efficiency: operation improvement, operating conditions optimization and other significant improvement solutions (pinch analysis, alternative technology, process design, best available techniques).
  • PINCH ANALYSIS & MAIN RULES - Duration : 0.5 Day

      • Composite curves (hot and cold streams): building, description and interest.
      • Pinch point: characteristics and help for solutions design. Key parameters: ΔTmin, integration ratio.
      • Main rules: “cross pinch”, “plus or minus principle”…
      • Illustration through examples (heat exchanger network, selection of a compressor).
      • Advantage of an expert software dedicated to energy analyses.

      • Several case studies proposed and based on a methodology for energy analysis, adapted for industrial plants or new projects.
      • At this step, trainees will be able to:
      • Characterize the energy needs and potential of a process.
      • Design the most consuming pieces of equipment.
      • Define savings targets.
      • Propose potential solutions and options.
      • Simplify it in order to select most profitable and operational options.

Learning Objectives

  • Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
  • Identify the challenges of energy efficiency,
  • List the energy efficiency improvement methods.

Ways & Means

  • Practical course and case studies based on industrial data and adjustable to trainee’s concern.
  • Use of an expert software to compare to the initial evaluation.

Learning assessment

  • Quiz at the end of the training session.


Coordinator :IFP Training trainer (permanent or contracted) having a good expertise and/or experience of the related topics, trained to adult teaching methods, and whose competencies are kept up-to-date.

To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding. Please contact our disabled persons referent to check the accessibility of this training program :