Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)


Who should attend?

  • This course provides an in-depth understanding of Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods, the corresponding displacement mechanisms and expected performance. It also provides information about Chemical EOR projects workflow based on the presentation of screening criteria and field cases.
Public :
  • Reservoir engineers and petroleum engineers involved in Chemical EOR projects.

Level :Skilled

Prerequisite :
  • Basic knowledge in reservoir engineering, oil reservoirs drive mechanisms and reservoir simulation.

Course Content


      • Review of primary and secondary recovery drive mechanisms:
      • Natural depletion of undersaturated oil reservoir.
      • Solution gas drive.
      • Natural water drive.
      • Water and gas injection.
      • Principle and mechanisms of main EOR methods:
      • Chemical flooding.
      • Miscible gas flooding.
      • Thermal flooding.

      • Factors affecting oil recovery.
      • Mobility ratio and sweep efficiency.
      • Fractional flow theory.
      • Oil recovery calculation in homogeneous and stratified reservoirs.
  • POLYMER FLOODING - Duration : 1 Day

      • Polymer flooding and classical types of polymers.
      • Polymer properties and behavior: rheology, viscosity, non-Newtonian effects…
      • Adsorption and retention mechanisms.
      • Selection criteria.
      • Design of polymer flooding.
      • Preformed Particle Gel (PPG).
      • Colloidal Dispersion Gels (CDG).
      • Simulation of polymer flooding.
      • Case studies.
  • SURFACTANT FLOODING - Duration : 1 Day

      • Surfactant flooding and classical types of surfactants.
      • Surfactant characteristics: molecular structure, critical micelle concentration (CMC)…
      • Surfactant, water and oil behavior.
      • Selection criteria and tests.
      • Simulation of surfactant flooding.
      • Case studies.
  • ALKALINE FLOODING - Duration : 0.5 Day

      • Alkaline flooding and classical types of alkaline.
      • Displacement mechanisms in alkaline flooding.
      • Alkaline consumption.
      • Selection criteria and tests.
      • Simulation of alkaline flooding.
      • Case studies.

      • Displacement mechanisms in ASP flooding.
      • Experimental design and calculation of appropriate injection pore volumes.
  • SMART WATER INJECTION - Duration : 0.5 Day

      • Definition and principles of smart water method.
      • Smart water injection design and workflow.
      • Case studies.

Learning Objectives

  • Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
  • Discuss the recovery expectations from reservoirs under primary, secondary and EOR methods,
  • Discuss the mechanisms of various chemical EOR methods and related screening criteria,
  • List the types of chemicals used in chemical EOR and compare the way they affect oil recovery,
  • Design and apply chemical EOR methods by using empirical, analytical and simulation tools and evaluate their performance.

Ways & Means

  • Interactive lectures and exercises.
  • Field case studies.
  • Chemical EOR simulation using dedicated industrial software.

Learning assessment

  • Knowledge assessment with multiple choice questions and open explanatory questions.


Coordinator :IFP Training trainers (permanent or contracted) having a good expertise and/or experience of the related topics, trained to adult teaching methods, and whose competencies are kept up-to-date.

To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding. Please contact our disabled persons referent to check the accessibility of this training program :