Typical incidents _ impacts on CO2/GHG emissions to atmosphere
Duration : 1.5 Days
Start-up /shutdowns _ various situations.
Flow control.
Best practices for operation and CO2/GHG emissions to atmosphere.
Driver operation and impact on CO2/GHG emissions to atmosphere (Electrical motor and Steam or Gas turbine, according to the upstream/downstream audience.
Duration : 1 Day
Normal run:
Performances changes vs operation conditions changes (pressure, gas composition/molecular weight, temperature, rotation speed): pressure ratio, operating point, discharge temperature, work and power, efficiency, CO2/GHG emissions to atmosphere trends.
Attendees will be able to implement the following skills:
Identify the main components of a centrifugal compressor and explain their role,
List and explain key points related to the operation of the machine,
Linking these key points to CO2 emissions to the atmosphere.
Ways & Means
Interactive course with digital applications.
Various technical drawings/data of actual compressors.
Use of a dynamic simulator.
Learning assessment
Quiz (entry/final).
Coordinator :IFP Training trainer (permanent or contracted) having a good expertise and/or experience of the related topics, trained to adult teaching methods, and whose competencies are kept up-to-date.
To French entities : IFP Training is referenced to DataDock ; you may contact your OPCO about potential funding.
Please contact our disabled persons referent to check the accessibility of this training program : referent.handicap@ifptraining.com